Follow this procedure if you plan to extend Genero Mobile for Android.
This procedure is only necessary if you plan to extend Genero Mobile for Android using
Java. See Extending the Language in the Genero Business Development Language User
Create a copy of the GMADIR directory.
Find the default GMADIR at
GM_INSTALL_DIR/gma. You should never update the default
GMADIR, as it can be overwritten during an upgrade.
Update the GMADIR environment variable to point to your new copy.
Select to open the Genero Configuration Management window.
Set the GMADIR environment variable to the location of the copy of the GMA
directory. To set the GMADIR environment variable, highlight the
Android environment set and double-click on the GMADIR
environment variable in the list.
Figure 1. Setting the GMADIR
Follow the instructions in the Genero Business Development Language User Guide to
extend Genero Mobile for Android.