To reach the broadest possible audience, distribute your Genero Mobile for Android (GMA)
app through the Google Play marketplace.
Create an APK package that meets the requirements of Google Play, and load it to the Google
Play Store.
Create the APK for the app.
The APK must meet specific requirements in order to upload to the Google Play Store.
Set the environment variables dedicated to application signing. These environment variables
must be defined in Genero Studio configuration settings, typically in the
Android environment set:
- KEYSTORE_PATH - Path to the key store
- KEYSTORE_PW - Key store password
- KEYSTORE_KEY_ALIAS - Entry name for the key in the key
- KEYSTORE_KEY_PW - Key password in the key store
By default, these variables are set to use a dummy key
(androiduserkey:android). Change to package with another
key.Note: We recommend you use the default key store for
development, in order to avoid distributing your company private signing key to
all developers. Set up a separate secured environment for signing with your
company key.
Open the Google Play Developer Console and follow the process to add your app to the store.