Update / Update All

Update / Update All updates any outdated files in your project with the latest version stored in the repository.

The Update options are presented as buttons in the Status view Toolbar, or can be accessed right-clicking on a specific file selected from the project tree in the Projects view.

This figure is a screen shot of the SVN Update dialog. See the surrounding text for more information about the SVN update process and the fields shown.

Figure 1. SVN Update dialog

Specify what files to update in the SVN Update dialog.

In the Update combobox, specify which files to update. Choices are:

In the Directory content to update combobox, specify the depth for the update.

Select the Omit externals checkbox to exclude external items. External items can be of two types:

In the Revision combobox, select the revision to be updated. The Select Revision button opens the SVN Log Select revision dialog.