Business Application Modeling (BAM) / Working with forms |
Form functionality properties (canDisplay, canAdd, canModify, canDelete, canSearch, canEmpty) can be set on each record of a form to specify whether the program logic of display, add, update, delete, search and/or display empty should be generated. Generated functionality can be disabled on a relation to the form in the BA diagram.
The program and user interface logic is generated when functionality properties are set. The state of the action (enabled/disabled) or the availability of the action in the Toolbar and/or Topmenu depends on the setting of the Functionality properties. For example, if the canSearch property is checked, the form will allow for data queries and the Toolbar and Topmenu will include a button and menu option for searching.
Figure 1. Setting the record Functionality properties
Figure 2. Disabling some of the generated functionality on the relation to the form