Business Application Modeling (BAM) / Modifying the look and feel |
Generated applications have default actions, which are triggered when the user clicks on an action view on the form (such as a Toolbar icon). The actions are enabled appropriately as the BDL interactive statements in the generated application are executed.
Actions can be programmatically enabled and disabled, hidden and shown, with methods such as ui.Dialog.setActionActive() and ui.Dialog.setActionHidden(). The text, image and other attributes of the action can be controlled with an action default file (4ad). See the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.
Action Text | Action Name | Description |
New | new | Adds a new record in the master, whether or not the focus is in the master or a detail. |
Insert | insert | Appends a new record at the end of the list of the currently selected table - either master or detail. |
Append | append | Adds a new record at the location of the current selection - either in a master or a detail. The append and new actions are equivalent if the focus is in the master. |
Modify | modify | Update a record. |
Search | query | Search the database table; enter criteria in the relevant fields and click Accept; or click Accept on an empty form to retrieve all the records in the database table. |
Delete | delete | Delete a database record. |
Zoom | zoom | Activate the zoom form. |
First | firstrow | Navigate to the first record. |
Last | lastrow | Navigate to the last record. |
Next | nextrow | Navigate to the next record. |
Previous | prevrow | Navigate to the previous record. |
See the Action rendering topic in the Genero Mobile Developer Guide for information on the default action rendering in Android and iOS mobile apps.
Figure 1. Actions displayed in a desktop vs. mobile app
Figure 2. Default Toolbar with Report options
Action Text | Action Name | Description |
reportprint | Print a defined report. | |
Preview | reportpreview | Preview a defined report. |
Print... | reportsetup | Select report and printer or export settings in Report Print Settings window. If no report design template (4rp) is available for the report, the Select Fields button is enabled to select fields for the report. |
reportexportpdf | Export report to PDF format. | |
HTML | reportextporthtml | Export report to HTML format. |
XLS | reportexportxls | Export report to XLS (Excel) format. |
RTF | reportexportrtf | Export report to RTF (MS-Word) format. |