Code Editor basics

The active document is displayed in the Document workspace. Multiple documents can be open, in tabbed windows, with the filename on the tab.

By default, Line numbers are displayed at the left side of the window.

The status bar at the bottom of the window contains the cursor position (line, column), the format (Windows™, UNIX™, MAC), and the mode (insert/overstrike).

The Code Structure view displays information about the structure of the active file. Clicking on an element in the Structure view will display and highlight the corresponding lines in the Editing window.

vi Editor

You can change the editor to use vi commands. Select Edit >> VI Editing Mode to switch the editor.

Syntax highlighting

The elements of the program are visually highlighted. Language key words, strings, variables and comments are each colored differently, making the program structure easier to understand. Select Tools >> Preferences, Code Editor to customize the behavior and color.

Syntax errors

An error mark in the gutter flags syntax errors as they occur. Select the error mark to display a message concerning the error. The error message and line number also display in the Document Errors tab in the output.

Menu of options

Use the Edit menu or right-click in document to display some options for selecting, searching, and editing. The available accelerator keys are documented in the Keyboard Shortcuts page.

Document Format

You can change the document format (Windows, UNIX, MAC) by selecting Edit >> Convert to.

Integrated diff

The Using the Diff tool tool is integrated into Code Editor.