href (href)
This property can be used to define a hyperlink pointing to any resource on the Internet, local disk, or to any anchor inside the report document.
hPadding (Horizontal Padding)
The hPadding property sets the width of the horizontal padding for a column in a table object.
hRule (Horizontal Rule)
The hRule property controls the width of the horizontal rule lines for a table. Horizontal rule lines separate rows.
id (id)
This property can be used to create an anchor in the report document.
indent (Indent)
Specifies the indentation value for the paragraph.
key (Key)
Specifies the key of the item in a chart.
keysTitle (Keys Title)
Specifies the title of the keys Axis (usually the y Axis) of a Business Chart.
layoutDirection (Layout Direction)
The layoutDirection property controls the direction in which child elements are laid out, which is also the direction of the Y-axis.
lBorder (Left Border)
The lBorder property sets the weight of the left border of a table object.
transformTransparently (Transform transparently) The transformTransparently property changes the effect of the properties layoutDirection and swapX. When set, the transformation extends to the entire fragment so that entire documents can be rotated.