The Report Design Document / Working with business graphs |
All chart types now support the drawing of the data as tables via the Draw As property.
The tables drawn are "pivot" tables that may contain subtotals. This terminology and rules are applied:
There are three types of tables: Table, Sorted table, and Aggregated table.
This option lists all data items in a table. The data needs to be presorted in the order of the dimensions; if this is not the case, the table will contain useless subtotal rows.
If the number of rows in the table is large, then Table is the preferred choice since it produces the tabular output row by row while reading the input and does not keep a copy of the table data in memory. In other words, this option does not delay the output until the end of the input has been read. as the Sorted Table and Aggregated Table options do.
This option produces the same output as the Table option, but the data does not need to be presorted. The output is delayed until the last row of table data has been read, and the entire table data is stored in main memory.
This option draws the same table as the previous two options, but subsequent rows with identical dimensions are drawn only once and the total values are computed. This option always sorts the data, and delays the output until the last row of data has been read. This option is not available for XY chart types.