
Details on the bar code type.

The code represents a 5 digit decimal number that can be used in conjunction with the upc a bar code type. Typically the code is placed to the right of the ean upc a code. The gap between the rightmost bar of the upc a code and the leftmost bar of the supplemental code should not be less than 2.31mm and should not exceed 3.3mm.

The nominal size is 0.611in x 1.02in (w x h). The bar code is painted without padding at the sides.

This example shows how the supplemental code can be used in conjunction with a upc a code:
<LAYOUTNODE orientation="horizontal" width="min" length="min">
  <BARCODEBOX codeType="upc a" codeValue="01234567891" fontSize="10"
  <BARCODEBOX codeType="upc supplemental 2" codeValue="47" fontSize="10"