XML schema/DTD preferences

Many XML documents contain external links to stylesheets, schemas, DTDs, and so on, which may be stored at remote locations. Genero Studio XML catalog files may be used by Genero Studio to provide an alternative path when the external entities aren't accessible.

Use Tools>>Preferences and select XML Schema/DTD from the Code Editor page in the Pages tree. A list of the XML catalog files provided with Genero Studio is displayed.

XML Schema/DTD Configuration

This figure is a screenshot of the XML Schema / DTD Configuration dialog. Catalog entries are listed first. Additional Catalogs can be added underneath.

Figure 1. XML Schema / DTD Configuration

Catalog Entries

This section displays the entries for the XML Catalog files that are provided by Genero Studio.

Use the icons at the top of the Catalog Entries section to add/delete or edit catalog entries. An edit icon appears next to catalog entries that may be edited.

These values are displayed for each Catalog Entry:

Additional Catalog

Entries in this section specify an XML catalog file to be added to the end of the current catalog. This allows one catalog to refer to another. If a reference cannot be resolved in the current catalog entry file, then Genero Studio moves to the next catalog specified in the Additional Catalogs section.

Entries defined in a Genero Studio XML Catalog file are given preference over entries that come from a Next Catalog file. This allows you to override the entries in the Next Catalog file to resolve external grammar files.

Use the icons at the top of this section to add/edit/delete Additional Catalog entries.

See Using XML catalog files for additional information about Catalog files.