CRUD form and Webservice (4fdmws), Zoom form and Webservice (4fdzsws)

Forms with web services allow programmable access to a form's functionality through a published service.

A CRUD form and Webservice entity generates a CRUD form and a standalone Webservice and is represented as a 4fdmws file.

A Zoom form and Webservice entity generates a Zoom form and a standalone Webservice and is represented as a 4fdzws file.

These files can be opened and edited in Form Designer. They have all the properties of a CRUD Form entity (4fdm) or Zoom form entity (4fdz) plus Service Name and Comment.

Note: Only Read operation is generated for a Zoom form and Webservice entity.
Table 1. Unique Properties
Property Description
Service name Unique publish-able service name.
Comment Service comment that will appear in the wsdl file.

Right-click the entity in the diagram to display a context menu of options.

Table 2. Context Menu Options
Menu Option Description
Implement CRUD/Zoom Web Service Creates a new blank managed web service definition file to design from scratch.
Implement CRUD/Zoom Web Service from Database Provides a wizard to create a managed web service definition file, allowing you to pick the columns to use in the CRUD operations. This option is generally preferred. The web service can be modified after it is created.
Convert to Converts entity from one type to another.
Locate in Project Locates and highlights the selected item in the project.