Program entity (4prg)

A Program entity contains the information needed to generate the main logic to drive the application.

A Program entity is represented as a 4prg file.

When a program entity is implemented, a 4gl source file is generated which contains the MAIN function for the application. This 4gl file is also used to combine the other generated 4gl files into a Genero application.

Any changes to the diagram are included in the subsequent re-generating of the program code.

The generated code can be customized.

Table 1. Entity Properties
Property Description
Name Name of entity.
Type Type of entity.
File Name Full path to file.

Right-click a Program entity in the diagram to display a context menu of options.

Table 2. Context Menu
Menu Option Description
Implement Program Implementing a program entity on the BA diagram creates the 4prg file which is used to generate the program code.Until you create the Program 4prg file, the Program entity on the diagram is simply an icon.
New Relation Add a relationship to another entity on the diagram.
Execute Program / Build Program Builds and/or executes the source code for the program based on the related entities in the diagram.
Rename Changes the name property of the entity.
Convert to Converts entity from one type to another.
Locate in Project Locates and highlights the selected item in the project.
Hide / Show all Items Hides the entity from view. Show again by selecting the Show all Items option.
Filter Items The Filter View allows you to hide and show items on a diagram.
Delete Deletes the entity.
Select All Select all entities or all entities of the same type on the diagram.