
A Matrix container manages a screen array, usually a repetitive array of fields in the screen layout, each containing identical groups of screen fields.

Each row of a screen array is a screen record. Right-click on a field to Convert to Matrix and set its Matrix properties. The Structure View marks matrix fields with a preceding + sign.

Matrix replaced the MFArray container as of version 2.20.


Table 1. Matrix Properties
Property Description
repeat Determines if field repeats. Default is checked (TRUE).
columnCount Number of columns of repeated fields.
rowCount Number of rows of repeated fields. Minimum value is 1. Both columnCount and rowCount cannot be 1, otherwise the field would be a standard formField and not a repeated field.
stepX Number of cells (horizontally) between the repeated fields. (Relevant only if columnCount > 1.)
stepY Number of cells (vertically) between the repeated fields. (Relevant only if rowCount > 1.)