
Allows you to set the value of specific variables for the duration of the debugger session.


set { | environment varname[=value] | verbose {on | off} | annotate }
  1. varname is the environment variable to be set to value.


The set command changes the values of the these variables:

When setting an environment variable, value may be any string. If the value parameter is omitted, the variable is set to a null value. The variable is set for your program, not for the debugger itself.

When verbose is set to on, the debugger will display additional messages about its operations, allowing you to observe that it is still working during lengthy internal operations.


set verbose on
Important: On UNIX™ systems, if your SHELL variable names a shell that runs an initialization file, any variables you set in that file affect your program. You may wish to move setting of environment variables to files that are only run when you sign on, such as .login or .profile.