Changing options

You can change default paper settings and output format settings.

You can change the default paper settings for report design documents in Report Writer using the Tools>>Preferences, Report Writer main menu option. Change output options (paper settings and output format settings) for a specific report design document through the File>>Report properties main menu option.

More extension changes to the output options for a report can be made in your BDL report program (4gl), using the BDL functions provided in the Reporting API. The BDL functions in the libgre.42x library file allow you to change:

The BDL functions to change the default output options are sandwiched between the mandatory configuration functions in your BDL program, as follows:
IF fgl_report_loadCurrentSettings(r_filename) THEN -- load the 4rp file mandatory
  CALL fgl_report_selectPreview(preview)           -- functions to change the output
                                                   -- options are called here
  LET handler = fgl_report_commitCurrentSettings() -- commit changes mandatory