Specific positioning or automatic layout

The position of the report element can be specific, to enable reports that use pre-printed forms, or dynamic, adjusting as needed based on the length of the report element.

As you drag an element, a moving thin black line helps you line it up with other elements on the report if desired. The X and Y properties of the element in the Properties View indicate its location relative to its parent. These are automatically calculated when you drop an element into a container, or move it around. When you move it inside a container, the lines of the container are highlighted in yellow :

This figure shows a screenshot of a highlighted container, which is shown as a yellow box.

Figure 1. Highlighted container

All elements that are dragged from the Toolbox or Data View have the floatingBehavior property set to enclosed (the object will be enclosed in its parent.)

Elements on a report have a right-click menu of options that allow you to: