GRW 3.10 new features

This publication includes information about new features and changes in existing functionality.


This page covers only those new features introduced with the GRW version specified in the page title. Check prior new features pages if you migrate from an earlier version. Make sure to also read the upgrade guide corresponding to this version.

Corresponding upgrade guide: GRW 3.10 upgrade guide.

Previous new features page: GRW 3.00 new features

These changes and enhancements are relevant to this publication.

Table 1. General
Overview Reference
Support for Hi-DPI (High Dots per Inch) screen displays. No additional reference.
Open as Text... and Open with Encoding... menu options can be found under the File menu, and within the context menus in Project Manager and File Browser. No additional reference.
Genero Studio Help includes a button that opens a feedback page for documentation comments. The URL of the current topic is passed to the feedback page. No additional reference.
At the top of the opened document, the color of the line indicates the existence of errors or warnings. If the document contains an error, the line is red. If the document contains a warning, the line is orange. If there are no errors or warnings, the line is blue. No additional reference.
Table 4. Genero Report Writer
Overview Reference
You can set rendering hints for optimizing the printing of reports. See Optimize the rendering process.
Driverless, server side, silent printing is available using PJL. See Print a report without a driver using PJL.
New functions oddPhysicalPage() and evenPhysicalPage() reveal whether an object starts on an odd or an even page. See Start on an odd or even page.
An SAPĀ® Connector for the Genero Report Writer can be provided on request. Please contact your support center. No additional reference.
A Pentaho PDI plug-in can be provided on request. Please contact your support center. No additional reference.
The scripts residing in $GREDIR/bin now use the default Java version of the operating system. No additional reference.
Table 5. Genero Report Designer
Overview Reference
Original data produced by an application can now be transformed within the report designer without coding. Transformations include selecting, duplicating, moving, re-ordering, pivotizing and computing aggregations. See Report schema transformations.
The Image Box can now embed the first page of a PDF file. See Image Box.
The new Toolbox object, PDFBOX, can embed an entire PDF. See PDF Box.
You can create a Spider Web chart. See Category charts and drawAs property.
The business graphs now use a new "flat" design by default, although you can still specify the "classic" style. See Specifying classic or default style.
If the parent object is a propagating container, the child object does not fit in the remaining space for the parent object, and you set the Y-Size property to rest, the child now expands to the maximum extent of the parent rather than just the remainder of the parent. See Y-size property.
For X-Size Adjustment and Y-Size Adjustment, a value of expandToParent now causes the box to stretch as much as possible without intersecting the borders of a parent or sibling. See X-Size Adjustment and Y-Size Adjustment properties.
For business graphs and pivot tables, the new rangeUpperBound and rangeLowerBound properties define the highest and lowest values on the Y-Axis. See rangeUpperBound and rangeLowerBound properties.
For XY charts, the new domainUpperBound and domainLowerBound properties define the highest and lowest values on the X-Axis. See domainUpperBound and domainLowerBound properties.
Report elements now include a comment property. See comment property.