GRW 3.20 upgrade guide

Review when migrating to GRW 3.20.


This is an incremental upgrade guide that covers only topics related to the Genero Studio version specified in the page title. Check prior upgrade guides if you migrate from an earlier version. Make sure to also read about the new features for this version.


This version of GRW is desupported, use a more recent version of the product.

Corresponding new features page: GRW 3.20 new features.

Report design documents

Update report design documents (.4rp) to the current version by using the gsreport command line utility. For further information, see Update report design documents to the current version.

Customizations to overloaded GRE library files may require updates

Some library functions internal to the Genero Report Engine (GRE) have been removed or renamed by prefixing the previous name with "fgl_report_". If such functions have been referenced in your overloaded $GREDIR/src/overloadables/*.4gl files, when you upgrade to 3.20 you will need to alter your overloading files to match.

To be precise, if you have previously created your own version of the CompatCustom.4gl library file by copying the default version provided at installation and continued using any of the renamed functions, you must edit your copy and rename these functions to use the new names.

For example, the function:
  • toSax(out,n) must be changed to fgl_report_toSax(out,n).
  • compatibleWith704() must be changed to fgl_report_compatibleWith704().

The padding of objects uses the background color of the object

In previous versions of the report designer, the padding of an object used the background color of the parent object. In 3.20, the padding of an object uses the background color of the object itself.

If required, you can revert to previous behavior. Use the fgl_report_setRenderingHints function to set the pxmlColorizePadding rendering hint:
DEFINE renderingHints om.SaxAttributes
LET renderingHints=om.SaxAttributes.create()
CALL renderingHints.addAttribute("pxmlColorizePadding","false")
CALL fgl_report_setRenderingHints(renderingHints)