Finding the translated string
The search behavior that Report Writer uses to find a string in a compiled string file (42s) is similar to that of Genero BDL. Once the compiled string files are located, Report Writer uses the first occurrence of the string that it finds.
The 42s files are sought in this order:
- Any localization (42s) files specified in a BDL configuration file. First,
the current directory, and then all directories in DBPATH or FGLRESOURCEPATH, are searched for the
specified 42s files. The precedence of BDL configuration files is:
- the BDL configuration file, <FGLDIR>/etc/fglprofile.
- the BDL configuration file specified by the FGLPROFILE environment variable, if set.
- any BDL configuration file having the same name as the report program, and stored in the directory <FGLDIR>/defaults.
- Any localization (42s) file that has the same name as the report definition file, minus the 4rp extension. First, the current directory, and then all directories listed in the DBPATH or FGLRESOURCEPATH environment variable, are searched for the <report-name>.42s file.
- Any localization (42s) file that has the same name as the report application, minus the 42r extension. First, the current directory, and then all directories in DBPATH or FGLRESOURCEPATH are searched for the <application-name>.42s file.