Change paper settings and output format

There are several places where you can specify the paper settings and output format for a report.

Set default paper settings for all new reports

The default settings for a report design document (.4rp) are set when you create a new report. They are based on the default settings for all new reports, as set by the local installation of Genero Studio.

To set the default paper settings for all new reports, select Tools > Preferences (or, if you are on a Mac, > Preferences), then Report Writer > Paper Settings.

Set the paper settings for a report design document

For an existing report, you can change the paper settings and the output format in the report design document (.4rp). Go to File > Report properties, and:
  • Select Paper Settings... to update the paper settings for the report.

Set the paper settings and output format in the report application

In your report application, you can override the paper settings and output format defined in the report design document.

For a Genero BDL report program (.4gl), using the functions provided by the Reporting API allows you to change:
  • Page settings
  • Output device options
  • Printer settings
When adding these functions to your Genero BDL report application, place the functions between the mandatory configuration functions of fgl_report_loadCurrentSettings() and fgl_report_commitCurrentSettings():
IF fgl_report_loadCurrentSettings(r_filename) THEN -- load the 4rp file mandatory
  CALL fgl_report_selectPreview(preview)           -- functions to change the output
                                                   -- options are called here
  LET handler = fgl_report_commitCurrentSettings() -- commit changes mandatory