Adding report data (Data view)
The Data View specifies the structure of the data record for the report.
The structure of the data record is defined by the input data schema file. The data schema file
is extracted from the application source files:
- For arbitrary XML data sources, you can generate an .xsd file to describe the data schema. See Support for arbitrary XML data sources.
- For existing data sources, you can use a report schema transformation.
When a data schema has been selected in the Data View, the available data objects are shown. The data schema is only used during report development. At runtime, the data is sent to the report by the report application.
Within the Data View:
- The Arrows icon allows you to sort the data items alphabetically.
- Values in the Sample Data column display when you preview a report. Double-click a value to edit or replace it.
- The Filter Fields By Name field, located at the bottom of the Data View, allows you to specify filtering criteria for the Data View, where only fields containing the name entered in the box are displayed in the data items.
Figure: Data View

Click the Open Data Report File icon at the top of the Data View to specify the data schema file to populate the Data View.