General Properties These are the general properties of a report element. alignment (Alignment) The alignment property controls alignment of a report element. anchorX (Anchor X) The anchorX property shifts the attachment point for self-adjusting nodes. anchorY (Anchor Y) The anchorY property shifts the attachment point for self-adjusting nodes. baselineType (Baseline Type) The baselineType property specifies which baseline of a report element should be linked to which baseline of a preceding element. bBorder (Bottom Border) The bBorder property sets the weight of the bottom border of a table object. bgColor (Background Color) The bgColor property sets the background color for a node. border (Border) The border property sets the weight of the border of a table object. class (Class) The class property specifies one or more classes for a report element. clip (Clip) The clip property specifies whether to clip a report object and its content along the sides. color (Color) The color property sets the paint color for a node and all its children, or for a slice in a map chart. colspan (Column Span) The colspan property sets when two or more cells are merged in a row definition for a report table. comment (Comment) The comment property allows report designers to add additional information as they design the report objects. computeAverage (Compute Average) The computeAverage property specifies whether the average (mean) should be computed for a dimension. computeCount (Compute Count) The computeCount property specifies whether the number of fact rows should be computed for a dimension. computeDistinctCount (Compute Distinct Count) The computeDistinctCount property specifies whether or not the number of sub elements should be computed for a dimension. computeMaximum (Compute Maximum) The computeMaximum property specifies whether the maximum value should be computed for a dimension. computeMinimum (Compute Minimum) The computeMinimum property specifies whether the minimum value should be computed for a dimension. computeTotal (Compute Totals) The computeTotal property specifies whether or not totals should be computed for a dimension. enumValues (Enum Values) The enumValues property specifies an optional list of strings that represent ordinal values. fidelity (Text Fidelity) The fidelity property controls the way text is output. fill (Fill) The fill property specifies how an image fills an area. floatingBehavior (Floating Behavior) The floatingBehavior property controls the sizing behavior of the parent box when the node floats (sets x or y). fontBold (Bold) The fontBold property sets a bold font style for this node and for all children of this node. fontItalic (Italic) The fontItalic property sets an italic font style for this node and for all children of this node. fontName (Name) The fontName property sets the font face name for a node and for all children of the node. fontSize (Size) The fontSize property sets the font size in points for a node and for all children of the node. format (Format) The format property controls the output of a numeric display. fWidth (Fix Width) The fWidth property sets the fixed width of a column. hAlign (Horizontal Alignment) The hAlign property defines the horizontal alignment of a value in its cell for all cells in a column of a report table. hidePageHeaderOnLastPage (Hide Page Header On Last Page) The hidePageHeaderOnLastPage property suppresses the drawing of beforeFirst, firstPageHeader, evenPageHeader and oddPageHeader material on the last page. hidePageFooterOnLastPage (Hide Page Footer On Last Page) The hidePageFooterOnLastPage property suppresses the drawing of afterLast, firstPageTail, evenPageTail and oddPageTail material on the last page. href (href) The href property defines a hyperlink pointing to any resource on the Internet, local disk, or to any anchor inside the report document. hPadding (Horizontal Padding) The hPadding property sets the width of the horizontal padding for a column in a table object. hRule (Horizontal Rule) The hRule property controls the width of the horizontal rule lines for a table. Horizontal rule lines separate rows. id (id) The id property creates an anchor in the report document. indent (Indent) The indent property specifies the indentation value for the paragraph. intendedResolution (Intended Resolution) The intendedResultion property controls the mapping of pixels to device pixels. isNumeric (Numeric Column) The isNumeric property specifies whether a column is numeric. layoutDirection (Layout Direction) The layoutDirection property controls the direction in which child elements are laid out, which is also the direction of the Y-axis. lBorder (Left Border) The lBorder property sets the weight of the left border of a table object. localizeText (Localize Text) The localizeText property indicates whether a localized string exists for this value. Location (location) The Location property specifies the URL for the location of a resource, such as an image, HTML file, or PDF. name (Name) The name property assigns a name to the node for debugging purposes. padding (Padding) The padding property sets the width of all of an object's padding. pageName (Name) The pageName property specifies the name of a parent node. pageNoOffset (Offset) The pageNoOffset property specifies the offset added to the current page number. pageNoFormat (Format) The pageNoFormat property sets the number format type. pageRanges (Page Ranges) The pages ranges property specifies the pages to include. password (Password) The password property controls access to the document. pWidth (Proportional Width) The pWidth property sets the proportional width of a column. rBorder (Right Border) The rBorder property sets the weight of the right border of a table object. referenceDefault (Default) The referenceDefault property specifies the text value to be displayed when the reference cannot be resolved. referenceName (InfoNode Name) The referenceName property is the name of the Info Node referenced. rule (Rule) The rule property sets the weight of the line between two rows or two columns in a table object. ruleColor (Rule Color) The ruleColor property controls the color of the rule for a table. section (Section) The section property controls the layout of content within a parent MiniPage. scaleX (Scale X) The scaleX property applies the specified scale in this x-direction. scaleY (Scale Y) The scaleY property applies a specified scale in the y-direction. splitOversizedItem (Split Oversized Items) The splitOversizedItem property defines the behavior for when a single item exceeds the space in layout direction. strikethrough (Strikethrough) The strikethrough property specifies strikethrough for the text. swapX (Swap X) The swapX property reverses the direction of the X-axis. text (Text) The text property specifies the text to be drawn. textAlignment (Text Alignment) The textAlignment property controls the horizontal alignment of text. textExpression (Text Expression) The textExpression property is a PXML string expression value to calculate a page number string. title (Title) The title property specifies the title of a report, output, or column. tBorder (Top Border) The tBorder property sets the weight of the top border of a table object. trimText (Trim Text) The trimText property controls the trimming of spaces. Transform transparently (transformTransparently) When the Transform transparently property is set on a parent, its children map their orientation based on the parent's parent orientation rather than the parent. objectType (Type) The objectType property specifies the type of the report element. underline (Underline) The underline property specifies that the text is underlined. URL (Location) The URL property specifies the loading location or the name of the image to display. vAlign (Vertical Alignment) The vAlign property defines the vertical alignment of a value in its cell for all cells in a column of a report table. value (Value) The value property specifies the value of the item. value (Value) – pivot table The value property specifies the value of the pivot table hierarchy or value. visibilityCondition (Visibility Condition) The visibilityCondition property indicates whether the object is visible or hidden. vPadding (Vertical Padding) The vPadding property sets the width of the vertical padding for a column in a table object. vRule (Vertical Rule) The vRule property controls the width of the vertical rule lines for a table. Vertical rule lines separate columns. x (X) The x property specifies the x-value of a X/Y coordinate pair defined by the element. X-Size (X-Size) The X-Size property defines the size of the container along the X axis. X-Size Adjustment (X-Size Adjustment) The X-Size Adjustment property specifies how the adjustment to the X-Size is to be made. y (Y) The y property specifies the y-value of a X/Y coordinate pair defined by the element. Y-Size (Y-Size) The Y-Size property defines the size of the container along the Y axis. Y-Size Adjustment (Y-Size Adjustment) The Y-Size Adjustment property specifies how the adjustment to the Y-Size is to be made.