Two sample pivot table reports are provided with the installation of Genero Studio. One
report shows a static pivot table, while the other shows a dynamic pivot table.
Static pivot table sample report
The report name is StaticPivotTable.4rp.
This sample report produces a table of customer data, grouped by customers and orders. The input
is presorted. The dimension columns, the userid and orderid, are populated accordingly.
Dynamic pivot table sample report
The report name is DynamicPivotTable.4rp.
When this report is selected, a second dialog opens. From this dialog, you select the dimensions
and measures included in the report, along with how to sort the measures.
The last step lies in DynamicPivotTable.4rp where the pivot table properties
are defined as RTL expressions that initialize from the field values in control record. For example,
the title property is initialized to "controlBlock.title".
Figure: Properties of the Pivot Table element
This figure displays the values of the properties for the pivot table element.