Creating a graph Place a business graph inside a report, and then edit the properties for the chart and its items. Create a map chart Map charts have one key value and one data value. For example, you could map the revenue distribution by customer. Create a category chart Category charts have two key values and one data value. For example, you could map revenues by area and customer. Create an XY chart XY charts have two data values. For example, you could map quantity sold against discount percentage. Custom keys Enter any valid expression for the String value of a key property. This could be a substring or a concatenation of existing strings. Coloring a map chart Genero Studio provides default colors for the slices in a map chart. These colors are suitable for most purposes but can be changed if required. Modify the report structure When you add a business graph (map chart, category chart, or XY chart) to your report, the chart and its chart item are added to your report structure. You need to modify this report structure to ensure that your business graph displays correctly.