Print headers and footers

A MiniPage or PageRoot in your Report Design document defines how the content is to be laid-out on the report page. Headers and Footers can be defined for the report pages, which can depend on the relative position of the page in the overall report.

You can use any Simple Container or Drawable as a container for a header or footer. Generally, a Vertical Box (LayoutNode) is used.

Add the header or footer container to a MiniPage or PageRoot. To identify the containers as headers or footers, and to specify where on the report page a container should print, set the container's section property to one of these ports:

For example, a Vertical Box with the section property set to the firstPageHeader section will print as the header on the first page of the report. In the parent Container, you cannot have multiple header or footer containers set to the same section.

If you use a Vertical Box for the header or footer container, set the Layout Node's X-size property to max, and its Y-Size property to min. Within the container you can build up the header or footer using various containers and report elements. The Stripe container is useful for report elements that are to be laid out left to right across the page. Use Stripes, WordBoxes, etc. as needed, to arrange the contents of the header or footer within the container in the order in which it should be printed.

The properties HidePageHeaderOnLastPage and HidePageFooterOnLastPage provide flexibility in the printout.

Important: It is an error if any element having the section set is preceded in the same sibling list by one that doesn't. In other words, any sections for the MinPage need to be specified first. Verify in the Structure view that the report structure is correct.