fglrun and the Genero BDL test scenario

A generated GGC scenario implements a set of command line options.

By default, a GGC scenario program generated by ggcgen implements a set of options to control the testing parameters.

Use the following command to display available scenario program options:
fglrun ggc-scenario-program { ua | tcp } --help
For example:
fglrun price_sample.42m ua --help
Information is displayed in the standard output for available options for Genero BDL test scenarios via the GAS (ua) and in direct mode (tcp).

For Java tests, see the ggcadmin command options.

The Genero BDL test scenario options are described in the following tables:
Table 1. Common GGC scenario program options
Option Description
-h or


Displays help for the ua and tcp commands.
--check-as-failure Treat check failures as scenario failures. The default is FALSE. See Scenario failures and check failures.
--dump-command Expand the command line options that are loaded from a default argument file. See Default argument file.
--fename client-name Specify the client name used by the GGC. Use this option to have the GGC return a client name other than the default when running a test.
By default, the GGC returns:
  • "GBC" when using an HTTP connection (ua).
  • "GDC" when using an direct connection (tcp).

The client name is used when connection strings are exchanged, to identify the client type. This is the value returned by ui.Interface.getFrontEndName(). It is also the value returned when using the feinfo.fename built-in front call.

-f argument or

--forward-gui argument

Forward GUI to the specified FGLSERVER. The AUI tree received from the DVM can be forwarded to a running GDC with --forward-gui localhost:0 to provide a visual feedback of the scenario execution.
--guilog-on-error Dump GUI logs on scenario failure. For examples, see Debugging scenario failure with GUI logs
--guilog-directory directory_name Directory where GUI log files are generated. The default is the current working directory.
--guilog-prefix argument GUI log file name prefix. The default is "ggc-ua" or "ggc-tcp", depending on the type of client used.
-p argument or

--port argument

Specifies the port on which the server listens for connections (default is 6500)
-s argument or

--speed-ratio argument

Specify an execution speed for the test. The scenario generator injects wait delays. This parameter provides a way to run your tests faster or slower. For example, a ratio set to 1 equals 100%. This is the default or normal wait delay. A 10% increase in speed is achieved by setting the ratio to 0.1. For an even faster test, set the ratio to 0, which equals no wait delay. Setting the ratio to 2, increases the delay by a factor 2 (200% ), the scenario will take at least twice as long to execute. See Test speed ratio.
--user-data key=value Sets the value of a data key. This option can be called multiple times to set multiple name=value pairs.

You then use the Genero BDL API method getUserData() in the test scenario to retrieve the value of the user data by name. See getUserData() for more information.

--user-data-file filename Specifies the file that contains user data. This file must contain a list of name=value pairs, one per line.

You then use the Genero BDL API method getUserData() in the test scenario to retrieve the value of the user data by name. See getUserData() for more information.

Table 2. GGC scenario program options specific to the ua command
Option Description
-H argument [,...] or

--http-handler http_handler [,...]

Provides HTTP handler support. For example, a default HTTP handler (GIPSSOHandler) is provided for Single Sign on to authenticate a user with the Genero IDP SSO.
-F argument [,...] or

--frontcall-handler argument [,...]

Provides front call handler support for user- provided front call handlers.
-u argument or

--url argument

Specify the URL to start the application. For example, http://localhost:6394/ua/r/gwc-demo.
Table 3. GGC scenario program options specific to the tcp command
Option Description
-w directory_name or

--working-directory directory_name

Specify the path to the directory containing the application being tested. The default is the current working directory.
-F argument [,...] or

--frontcall-handler argument [,...]

Provides front call handler support for user- provided front call handlers.
-e argument or

--environment-file argument

Sets environment variables that will prepare the correct environment to run the test scenario. The argument is a file listing the environment variables in the form:
If environment variables in values are to be expanded, they must be referenced (regardless of the platform) using the dollar sign and curly braces, for example ${ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME}. For examples, see Set test environment.
-c argument or

--command-line argument

Specify the runtime command (fglrun). The argument is the program passed to the runtime to test. Enclose the command and argument in quotations. For example, "fglrun price".
--dvm-available seconds Specify the delay for the DVM to start and be available. The default is 10 seconds.

Refer to the Genero Business Development Language User Guide for details regarding the fglrun command.