Log files

When you run a test, the Ghost Client creates log files which may be viewed for troubleshooting.

The following log files are created:
  • tcp-<session-id>.log
    A log file is generated for the GDC direct tests started.
    A separate log file is generated for each ua test started.
    Contains logs messages that are not related to a running session.
    A log file is generated for each session manager. Messages are logged in a dedicated log file for each session manager started.
Log files have similar formats. They contain a list of the field identifiers that define the detail in the logged output. This appears at the start of the file:
#Fields: date time relative-time location thread-id contexts event-type event-params
As the application runs, messages are written for HTTP requests and responses, TCP or ua sessions started, system messages, etc. This output depends on the categories of logs specified in the log.properties configuration.

Accessing log files

You can access log files in your Windows® %HOMEPATH%/.ggc/current_date or Linux® $HOME/.ggc/current_date directory.