Set logging options at runtime (Java API)

You have the ability to set Java GGC API logging options at runtime.

GGC 4.00 added the class com.fourjs.ggc.util.logger.LoggerConfig.

GGC 4.00 added methods in com.fourjs.util.logger.Logger:

LoggerConfig getConfiguration() 
void setConfiguration(LoggerConfig);
LoggerConfig returns Console and File configuration (com.fourjs.ggc.util.logger.ConsoleConfig and com.fourjs.ggc.util.logger.FileConfig). ConsoleConfig and FileConfig have a getBuilder() method returning a Builder with the current configuration settings.

SessionManagerBuilder allow you to provide a default logger configuration (with the LoggerConfig() method); if a default logger configuration is not provided, the logger configuration is read from the log configuration files as set for the GGC in the ~/.ggc/ file.

TCPConfig and UAConfig Builders allow you to provide a logger configuration (with the LoggerConfig() method); if a default logger configuration is not provided, the session manager's configuration is used.

com.fourjs.ggc.util.logger.* now included in the javadoc, see Java API functions for GGC.

Usage example

LoggerConfig lc = client.getLogger().getConfiguration(); 
      .setConfiguration(new LoggerConfig( 
        lc.fileConfig().getBuilder().setDirectory(new File(pathToLogs)).setEnabled(true).build()) 