Example: custom front call (BDL)

Overloading the default standard.feInfo("feName") front call.

Front call implementation for standard.feInfo("feName")

In this function, a call to the standard.feInfo("feName") is implemented and other front calls are left unprocessed (notProcessed()). If an error is encountered, the front call chain stops and the error is returned to the DVM. Several errors can be returned in the answer object such as:
  • ggc.FrontCallAnswer.moduleNotFound()
  • ggc.FrontCallAnswer.functionNotFound()
  • ggc.FrontCallAnswer.stackError()
  • ggc.FrontCallAnswer.userError(errorMessge STRING)
FUNCTION customFrontCall(request ggc.FrontCallRequest INOUT) RETURNS ggc.FrontCallAnswer
    DEFINE answer ggc.FrontCallAnswer

    DISPLAY "MODULE: ", request.getModuleName()
    DISPLAY "FUNCTION: ", request.getFunctionName()
    DISPLAY "Parameter: ", request.getParameterValue(1)
    CALL answer.notProcessed()

    IF request.getModuleName() == "standard" AND request.getFunctionName() == "feinfo" THEN
        IF request.getParameterCount() == 0 THEN
            CALL answer.stackError()
            IF request.getParameterValue(1) == "fename" THEN
                IF request.getParameterCount() != 1 THEN
                    CALL answer.stackError()
                    CALL answer.success()
                    CALL answer.returnString("MYGBC")
                END IF
            END IF
        END IF
    END IF
    RETURN answer.*