Status codes

Status codes are used to give GGC status.

Status codes provide status after a test action is performed, to indicate success or errors that can happen when executing a scenario. Table 1 provides a list of the status codes that may be returned. Table 2 describes protocol and internal status errors that may occur.
Table 1. Genero Ghost Client Status codes
Status Description
SUCCESS Success.
CHECK_FAILURE A check generated by the scenario generator failed.
UI_NOT_FOUND The UserInterface node was not found.
WINDOW_NOT_FOUND No current window found.
DIALOG_NOT_FOUND No current dialog found.
FORM_NOT_FOUND No form found.
FIELD_NOT_FOUND The specified form field was not found in the form.
FIELD_NOT_VISIBLE The specified form field is not visible. It can not be focused.
TABLE_NOT_FOUND The specified table is not found in the form.
COLUMN_NOT_FOUND The specified column is not found in the table.
ACTION_NOT_FOUND The specified action is not found in the dialog.
ACTION_NOT_ACTIVE The specified action is not active.
STARTMENU_NOT_FOUND The specified start menu is not found.
BAD_PARAMETER Invalid parameter provided. For example, an invalid column index. A negative value or a value greater than the table's column count will be reported. The error message contains details of the error.
ILLEGAL_STATE Occurs when an action is requested but the current state of the DVM does not allow it. Example: Trying to execute an action when the program has ended.
Table 2. Genero Ghost Client Status codes (Protocol and Internal errors)
Status Description
PROTOCOL_EXCEPTION Indicates a failure in the protocol between the client (GGC) and the server / DVM. This error can be raised in following situations:
  • The data received from the server/DVM is invalid.
  • The GGC could not receive data from the server/DVM. Occurs if the DVM exits prematurely for example.
  • The GGC could not send data to the server/DVM. Occurs if the DVM exits prematurely for example.
  • A child DVM failed to connect within DVM_AVAILABLE timeout.
  • The GGC failed to start the DVM process (TCP/Direct mode).
The associated error message provides additional error details.
INTERNAL_ERROR Reflects an unexpected internal state. Should not happen.
NOT_IMPLEMENTED Feature not implemented.