The GGC directory

The Genero Ghost Client directory contains samples programs, source files, templates, and documentation.

The default location for the GGC is in the FGLGWS package in the FGLDIR/testing_utilities/ggc directory. The following directories are included.
Figure: FGLDIR/testing_utilities/ggc

Various files are included in the ggc root directory. It contains the ggc.jar file that provides the implementation of the GGC. These files will not require any modification.
Contains wrapper script files for running the command line tools ggcadmin and ggcgen.
The GGCDIR/doc/javadoc/ directory contains documentation detailing the Java packages and classes that make up the Genero Ghost Client. See the help file by launching the /doc/javadoc/index.html file in your browser.
Contains the Java jar files for the HTTP interface, logging, and encoding.
Contains the ggc.42m BDL module that defines the BDL API.
Contains directories for the quick-start and the samples programs. The quick-start directory contains the source files for the Quick Start: Generate and execute a test scenario tutorial. It also contains the ggc-quick-start.gar for deploying to the GAS, and a build script for creating the Genero archive. The samples directory contains the demo directory with Java source files for the tutorial to Write a Java test. The ggclib directory contains ggc.4gl, source for the BDL API.
Contains directories for bdl and java, which contain a set of Templates that are provided to generate tests. They contain files with the necessary front calls that characterize generic tests that perform checks, or execute actions (events). Corresponding files are either prefaced with check_, or events_.