Record a scenario log

Describes the procedure used to record a log file of the interaction with an application launched to a Genero web client.

Record a guilog log using a direct connection

  1. Launch the Genero Desktop Client.
  2. Start the application using fglrun and the the --start-guilog option.
    For example:

    D:\fjs\gst\3.10.01\fgl\demo\Widgets>fglrun --start-guilog=D:/tmp/log/edit.log Edit

    In this example:
    • The DVM is run with the --start-guilog option to record a log file.
    • The interaction is saved to a file named edit.log.
    For more information on using the --start-guilog DVM option, see the GUI front-end connection chapter of the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.
  3. Use the application.
  4. To finish recording, close the application.

When you have completed recording the log, your next task is to generate test sets from the recorded log file. See Generate a scenario from a guilog.

Record a scenario log via the GAS

  1. To record a log from the DVM end, add an APPLICATION_EXECUTION_DVM element to the configuration file of your application.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <APPLICATION Parent="defaultgwc" xmlns:xsi="" 
        <DVM>fglrun --start-guilog=/tmp/myapp.log</DVM>
    In our example:
    • The DVM is run with the --start-guilog option to record a log file.
    • The interaction is saved to a file named myapp.log.
    For more information on using the --start-guilog DVM option, see the GUI front-end connection chapter of the Genero Business Development Language User Guide.
  2. Save the configuration file in the $(res.appdata.path)/app directory.
  3. Run the application in your browser by starting the standalone dispatcher from the command line using httpdispatch.
    Open the application by entering the URL. In this example, the URL is looking for a configuration file named myapp.xcf:


    As you interact with the application, all this activity is recorded in the file specified.

  4. To finish recording, close the application.
    Warning: Next time you run the application with this DVM configuration, the log file is overwritten.

When you have completed recording the log, your next task is to generate test sets from the recorded log file. See Generate a scenario from a guilog.