How to compile BDL tests

To compile your Genero BDL tests, you run the fglcomp tool command as shown from the command line.

Before you begin:
  • It is assumed that you have created a Genero BDL test file, for example myapp_tests.4gl.
  • It is assumed that you have placed the test file in the directory path/to/myTests.
  • If you are using the GAS:
    • Make sure your GAS version is at least version 2.50.34 or greater.
    • Make sure that the standalone dispatcher httpdispatch is started and that you can access the GAS demos welcome page, http://localhost:6394/demos.html, from your browser. See the Genero Application Server Administrator Guide for more information.
To compile your test, at the command line type the following:

cd path/to/myTests ; fglcomp myapp_tests.4gl

An application (42m) file is created.