Log test scenario output

Use Log class methods to output errors, warnings, and information from test scenarios as they play.

In the play method of your Java test scenarios, for example, to have information about errors, warnings, or debug information displayed as the test is running, add calls to the log class with the required log method, for example:

runner.log().error("This is bad...");  // for the error
runner.log().warning("Beware !!! ");  //for the warning
runner.log().info("Just to tell you..."); //for the info
runner.log().debug("Bug to report...");  //for debug info

public void play(GhostRunner runner)
		try {
			ArrayList<FieldInfo> fields = runner.getFields();
			for (FieldInfo field : fields) {
				runner.log().info(field.getId(), " / ", field.getName(), " / ", field.getType());
		} catch (GhostException e) {
			runner.log().error("ButtonEditDelegatedScenario: exception raised!", e);
		} catch (Exception e) {

		runner.log().info(this.getClass().getName(), " ended successfully");
In this code sample from the ButtonEditScenario class sample, the ButtonEdit application from the FGLGWS demo is being tested. The runner.sendaction("INPUT"); method selects the INPUT button of the application. This opens a form for user input.

The runner.getFields() method gets details about the form fields; their id, name, and type. Using the runner.log().info method outputs this information.

In the catch block, any exception raised by the GhostException method can also be logged as an error by the runner.log().error method.

Figure: ButtonEdit scenario log output

Image shows the log outputted by the ButtonEditScenario test on the ButtonEdit demo application run by the Genero Ghost Client

You can adjust the log level with the GHOSTLOG environment variable. This will effect what is outputted to the display. However, it depends on how detailed the logging is in your test play method.