
The Genero Ghost Client installation includes a sample test scenario for you to explore in the samples directory of your GGC package.

Inside the samples directory, you find the SimpleTest.4gl Genero Ghost Client test scenario, written by hand in Genero. You also find a java directory containing a Java example of the SimpleTest application.

Important: Use Genero BDL to create GGC applications. Genero applications will work for most unit and load tests. Java should only be used to perform critical load testing.

The SimpleTest demo

With this demo, you can check that everything is correctly set up for compiling and running a test scenario. It also provides a simple template to use as a reference when you start creating your own test scenarios.

To run the SimpleTest test scenario:
  1. Compile the test scenario:

    fglcomp SimpleTest

  2. Execute the test scenario (direct mode):
    • Unix:

      fglrun SimpleTest "fglrun Edit" $FGLDIR/demo/Widgets

    • Windows®:

      fglrun SimpleTest "fglrun Edit" %FGLDIR%/demo/Widgets

  3. Execute the test scenario (using the Genero Application Server):

    fglrun SimpleTest http://localhost:6394/ua/r/simple-demo

  4. To execute the test scenario using the Genero Application Server for Java, create an empty war file pointing to the test scenario. Refer to the Genero Application Server for Java Administrator's Guide for details on creating the war file.