INPUT Statement Control blocks

Control blocks such as BEFORE FIELD, ON CHANGE and AFTER FIELD code blocks are called automatically during an INPUT as the user moves the cursor through the fields of a form and modifies field values.

For example:

  • BEFORE FIELD control blocks are executed immediately prior to the focus moving to the specified field. In this block, the program can for example display a message hint for the user.
  • An ON CHANGE is triggered when leaving an EDIT field that was modified, or when the user clicks on CHECKBOX fields or changes the item of a COMBOBOX field. Such control block is typically used to enable/disable other fields that depend on the current value of the changed field.
  • The AFTER FIELD block is used to check the value of a field. If the value does not match you application rules, force the focus to stay in the current field with the NEXT FIELD CURRENT instruction.

Go to INPUT control blocks in the Genero Business Development Language User Guide for a complete list of INPUT control blocks.