Disable/Enable Actions

In the example in the previous lesson, if the user clicks the Next or Previous buttons on the application form without first querying successfully, a message displays and no action is taken. You can disable and enable the actions instead, providing visual cues to the user when the actions are not available.

The ui.Dialog built-in class provides an interface to the BDL interactive dialog statements, such as CONSTRUCT and MENU. The method setActionActive enables and disables actions. To call a method of this class, use the predefined DIALOG object within the interactive instruction block. The DIALOG object can be passed as parameter to a function as ui.Dialog parameter, and can be used in that function to reuse code.

A good programming pattern is to centralize action activation in a function that takes the ui.Dialog object and activation conditions as parameters:

  MENU "Customer"
      CALL setup_dialog(DIALOG,FALSE)
PRIVATE FUNCTION setup_dialog(dlg ui.Dialog, can_nav BOOLEAN) RETURNS ()
  CALL dlg.setActionActive("next",can_nav)
  CALL dlg.setActionActive("previous",can_nav)

Go to The Dialog class in the Genero Business Development Language User Guide for further information.