Changing the Window Appearance
Genero provides attributes that can be used to customize the appearance of windows, forms, and form objects in your application. In addition, you can create Presentation Styles to standardize the appearance of window and form objects across applications.
Some of the simple changes that you can make are:
Window Title
The default title for a window is the name of the object in the
statement. For example, in the programs we've seen so far, the title of the window is
:OPEN WINDOW w1 WITH FORM "custform"
In the form specification file, the attribute
of the
section can be used to change the title of the parent
window:LAYOUT (TEXT="Customer")
Window Style
By default windows are displayed as normal application windows, but you can choose a specific
style using the
attribute of the LAYOUT
section of the
form file. The default window styles are defined as a set of style attributes in an external file
.4st file (defaults are available in
FGLDIR/lib/default.4st):LAYOUT (WINDOWSTYLE="mystyle")