Adding a Topmenu

A topmenu presents a pull-down menu on a form, composed of actions defined by the current interactive BDL instruction in your program.

The same options that were displayed to the user as a toolbar can also be defined as buttons on a topmenu. To change the presentation of the menu options to the user, comment out the TOPMENU section and recompile the form specification file.

Figure: A form with a topmenu

This figure is a screenshot of the custform form with a toolbar added.

The TOPMENU section of the form specification allows you to design the pull-down menu. The TOPMENU section must appear after SCHEMA, and must contain a tree of GROUP elements that define the pull-down menu.

A GROUP can contain the following elements:
  • a COMMAND - specifies the dialog action
  • a SEPARATOR - a horizontal line
  • GROUP children - a subgroup within a group.

Use the TEXT, COMMENT, and IMAGE attributes to decorate topmenu elements.

As in a toolbar, the TOPMENU optoins are enabled by actions defined by the current interactive BDL instruction (dialog), which in our example is the MENU statement. When a TOPMENU option is selected by the user, the program triggers the corresponding ON ACTION block.