Example: TOOLBAR in custform.per

The toolbar in this example will display buttons for query, next, previous, and quit actions.

Form custform.per:
 2 ITEM query (TEXT="Find",IMAGE="find")
 3 ITEM previous
 4 ITEM next
 6 ITEM quit (TEXT="Quit", COMMENT="Exit the program", IMAGE="exit")
 7 END
  • Line 2: The ITEM command-identifier query will be bound to the MENU statement action query created by the ON ACTION query trigger. The word "query" must be identical in both the TOOLBAR ITEM and ON ACTION clause, and must always be in lowercase. The other action-identifiers are similarly bound.
  • Line 6: Decoration attributes such as TEXT are defined for the quit item. For actions such as previous and next have default attributes defined in the action defaults file (FGLDIR/lib/default.4ad)