Patch license controller using the upgrade tool

To make an older version of the Genero Dynamic Virtual Machine (DVM) and/or the Genero Report Engine compliant with the Four Js License Manager, or to use subscription licensing, you need to update the license controller.

To update the license controller to the latest version, download the operating system-appropriate version for your product from the Four Js website.

If a license controller version is not available for your operating system and/or for assistance with a downloaded version, contact your Four Js support center for help.

Figure: Contents of the fglWrt upgrade download

Contents of the upgrade download
There are several files in the upgrade download. These files must overwrite the ones in the installation directory. For details, go to the Steps section on this page.
Contains updates for various binary files including the license controller files (fglWrt or greWrt) and shared library files used by the license controller ( for FGL or for GRE). The library extension will vary depending on the operating system - Linux® libraries have .so extensions, Windows® have .dll, and macOS™ libraries have .dylib extensions. The fglchk.dll library is for upgrading FGL 3.20 and earlier version for compatibility in a Windows system.
Contains updates for the license controller configuration file (fgllicense or grelicense).
Contains directories with updates to licensing error messages.
Contains updated files for the browser-based graphical user interface (GUI) license management tool used to install, update, and manage your Genero product license.
upgrade-fglwrt or upgrade-grewrt
This is the command to update license software in your existing Genero BDL or GRE installation. For more information about this tool, see License upgrade tool (upgrade-fglwrt) or License upgrade tool (upgrade-grewrt).
Table 1. Genero Products and License Controllers
Genero product Licence controller
Genero Enterprise Four Js License Controller for BDL (fglWrt)
Genero Report Engine Four Js License Controller for GRE (greWrt)
Warning: Stop processes using licenses before overwriting files

If files are in use, you will need to stop processes using licenses before applying the upgrade; otherwise, the upgrade may fail and a rollback will be performed.


  1. Access the Four Js website at
  2. Select Download > Products.
    This brings you to the Products Download Area.
  3. In the License Tools section, expand the entry for the license controller (fglWrt or greWrt) you need to download.
  4. Locate the license controller appropriate for your operating system and click on the link under Version to start the download.
  5. Stop all DVMs/GREs processes that are running.
    Ensure that processes using licenses are not running when you apply the upgrade. If files are in use, the upgrade may fail and a rollback will be performed. If patching fglWrt, stop the DVMs. If patching greWrt, stop the GREs.
  6. When the download completes, extract the files in the archive to your local directory.
    Extract the files using an archiving tool, such as tar or gzip.
    • On Linux/macOS, open a command prompt. "sudo" may be required. Type the commands to change to your local directory and extract the contents of the archive file there.
      cd /myLicenseUpgrade
      tar xfz /home/user/Downloads/fjs-fglWrt-6.00.12-build202209270907-l64xl217.tgz
    • On Windows, open an Explorer window and navigate to your downloads directory. Right click on the downloaded zip file and select Extract All. Follow the instructions to browse to your local directory and click on Extract to extract the contents of the archive file.
  7. Run the upgrade tool, upgrade-fglwrt --patch or upgrade-grewrt --patch with the path to your existing Genero BDL or GRE installation to install the patch.
    ./upgrade-fglwrt --patch /opt/fourjs/fglgws

    The licensing tools are now updated. If a file cannot be removed, or a file cannot be copied, the upgrade is cancelled and a rollback is automatically performed.

  8. Migrate the license controller configuration file.

    The new configuration file, $FGLDIR/etc/fgllicense or $GREDIR/etc/grelicense, may include updates or the addition of new elements. You will need to merge it with the previous version configuration file in the backup copy, $FGLDIR/etc/fgllicense.old or $GREDIR/etc/grelicense.old, which has additions you made.

    1. Do a diff between the new configuration file and the previous version's configuration file (.old).
      This outputs a list of the additions you made to the previous version configuration file.
    2. Apply the differences to the new configuration file, fgllicense or grelicense.
    3. Save your changes.
Restoring the previous licensing tools
If you need to restore the previous licensing tools, you can restore files from the backup. Look for the backup, a directory with a timestamp in the format fglwrt-backup-YYYYMMDD-hhmmss or grewrt-backup-YYYYMMDD-hhmmss, in your $FGLDIR or $GREDIR directory. Specify the path to the most recent backup directory in the command to restore the files.
./upgrade-fglwrt --restore /opt/fourjs/fglgws/fglwrt-backup-20230425-162521