Get license information

Get details of the status of the license of your Genero product.


If your installation directory is in the C:\Program Files path, you must run as administrator when you license the product. This avoids any permission issues.

About this task:
Use this procedure, for example, to find out the date the maintenance contract expires.

You can also use the procedure described in this topic to retrieve the installation number when you need to register the license and finalize the installation.

From a command prompt, enter the command:.
greWrt -a info license
Example of Genero Report Engine license information:

License      : (GRE Built-in license)
Product      : Four Js Genero Report Writer
Type         : Runtime version
CPU(s)       : CPU unlimited
Extension(s) :
        - DVM License under maintenance

In the example, the Genero Report Engine license is shown as built-in. This means that it is covered under the Genero Business Development Language installation, As the DVM license is under maintenance, the GRE license is valid.