Install or update BDL maintenance key using GUI and internet

Use the Genero user interface to install or update your maintenance key.

Internet is required

Before you begin: Internet access is required to activate the license; a temporary installation does not require internet.

  1. Launch the Genero licensing user interface.
    • From Genero Studio, select Tools > Genero Tools > Genero BDL Licenser.
    • From the Window Start menu, select the Genero BDL Licenser tool from your Four Js program list.

    The licensing page opens in a Web browser.

  2. If your access to the internet is through a proxy, select the Network proxy settings checkbox and enter the details.
  3. Enter the maintenance key and click Update maintenance key.
    Figure: Example installing maintenance key

    Image shows the user interface with the maintenance key entered
  4. Click Quit Licensing to log out and close the licensing application.