Working with Forms

The Form class provides some methods that allow you to change the appearance or behavior of items on a form.

Getting a reference to the Form object

In order to use the methods, you must get a reference to the form object. The Window class has a method to get the reference to its associated form:

  • Define variables for the references to the window object and to its form object. The data type for the variables is the class identifier (ui.Window, ui.Form):
    DEFINE f1 ui.Form, mywin ui.Window 
  • Open a form in your program using the OPEN WINDOW ... WITH FORM instruction:
    OPEN WINDOW w1 WITH FORM ("testform")
  • Next, get a reference to the window object. Then, use the getForm() class method of the Window class to get a reference to the form object opened in that window:
    LET mywin = ui.Window.getCurrent()
    LET f1 = mywin.getForm() -- returns reference to form 
Once you have the reference to the form object, you can call any of the object methods for the Form class
LET mywin = ui.Window.getCurrent()
LET f1 = mywin.getForm() -- get reference to form 
-- call a Form class method   
CALL f1.loadActionDefaults("mydefaults")

See The Form class section of the Genero Business Development Language User Guide for a complete list of methods.

Specifying the name of a form item

Some of the methods in the Form class require you to provide the name of the form item. The name of the form item in the ATTRIBUTES section of the form specification file corresponds to the name attribute of an element in the runtime form file. For example:

  • In the ATTRIBUTES section of the .per file
    LABEL a1: lb1, TEXT = "State"; 
    EDIT a2 = state.state_name; 
    BUTTON a3: quit, TEXT = "exit"; 
    EDIT a4 = FORMONLY.pflag TYPE CHAR; 
  • In the runtime .42f file
    <Label name="lb1" width="9" text="State" posY="0" posX="6" gridWidth="9"/>
    <FormField name="state.state_name" colName="state_name" sqlType="CHAR(15)" 
        fieldId="0" sqlTabName="state" tabIndex="1">
    <Button name="quit" width="5" text="exit" posY="4" posX="6" gridWidth="5"/>
    <FormField name="formonly.pflag" colName="pflag" sqlType="CHAR" fieldId="1" 
        sqlTabName="formonly" tabIndex="2">
Note: Formfield names specified as FORMONLY (FORMONLY.pflag) are converted to lowercase (formonly.pflag).

Although Genero BDL is not case-sensitive, XML is. When Genero creates the runtime XML file, the form item types and attribute names are converted using the CamelCase convention:

  • Form item type - the first letter is always capitalized, with subsequent letters in lowercase, unless the type consists of multiple words joined together. In that case, the first letter of every subsequent word is capitalized also (Label, FormField, Button).
  • Attribute name - the first letter is always lowercase, with subsequent letters in lowercase, unless the name consists of multiple words joined together. In that case, the first letter of every subsequent word is capitalized also (text, gridWidth, colName).

If you use classes or methods in your code that require the form item type or attribute name, respect the naming conventions.

Changing the text, image, and style properties of a form item

Some methods of the Form class allow you to change the value of specific properties of form items.

Call the methods using the reference to the form object. Provide the name of the form item and the value for the property:

  • Text property - the value can be any text string. To set the text of the label named lb1:
    CALL f1.setElementText("lb1", "Newtext")
  • Image property - the value can be a simple file name, a complete or relative path, or an URL ( Uniform Resource Locator) path to an image server. To set the image for the button named quit:
    CALL f1.setElementImage("quit", "exit.jpg" placement="break")
  • Style property - the value can be a presentation style defined in the active Presentation Styles file (.4st file). To set the style for the label named lb1:
    CALL f1.setElementStyle("lb1", "mystyle")
The style mystyle is an example of a specific style that was defined in a custom Presentation Styles XML file, customstyles.4st. This style changes the text color to blue:
<Style name=".mystyle" >
  <StyleAttribute name="textColor" value="blue" />
By default, the runtime system searches for the default.4st Presentation Style file. Use the following method to load a different Presentation Style file:
CALL ui.interface.loadStyles("customstyles")

See Presentation styles in the Genero Business Development Language User Guide for additional information about styles and the format of a Presentation Styles file.

Example 2

02  DEFINE mywin ui.Window,
03          f1    ui.Form 
04   CALL ui.interface.loadStyles("customstyles")
05  OPEN WINDOW w1 WITH FORM "testform"
06  LET mywin = ui.Window.getCurrent()
07    CALL mywin.setText("test")
08    LET f1 = mywin.getForm()
09  MENU
10    ON ACTION changes 
11      CALL f1.setElementText("lb1", "goodbye")
12      CALL f1.setElementText("quit", "leave")
13      CALL f1.setElementImage("quit", "exit.png")
14      CALL f1.setElementStyle("lb1", "mystyle")
15    ON ACTION quit 
16      EXIT MENU

Figure: Display on Windows® platform after the changes button has been clicked.

This figure is a screenshot of a form where ui.Form methods are used to change the text for the label and button, specify an image for a button, and specify a style for a label.