Install license with Four Js License Manager (via internet)

Follow this procedure to license a Genero product using the FLM command line tool, flmprg -l. During installation the license is registered with Four Js via the internet.

Before you begin: You must have internet access from the FLM server to validate the license.

  1. Start the command line interface.
    1. Open a command prompt.
      • On Windows®, open the License Manager Workplace window from the Start menu.
      • On Linux®, open a command prompt. "sudo" may be required.
    2. Type flmprg -l
  2. When prompted, enter the license number.
  3. When prompted, enter the license key.
  4. At the prompt:
    Do you want to continue using HTTP ? (y/n) 
    Enter: y
  5. When prompted, enter your customer code:
    Enter your customer code > 
  6. At the following prompt:
    Do you need to configure an HTTP proxy ? (y/n)
    Enter y if your access to the internet is through a proxy, and provide the required information for HTTP proxy and Port when prompted. Otherwise, enter n.

    Figure: Installing and Registering a License via HTTP with License Manager (flmprg)

    Image shows installation of license number and license key using the License Manager flmprg -l command and taking the option to automatically register the license over the internet
    License installation is now completed.