Installation conventions

Genero software installations use standard conventions, for example, for environment and directory structure.

All Four Js software installations follow conventions which are common between products.

Installation environment

Typically environment variables, which define the installation directory of Genero products, follow this recognizable format:

product identifying code DIR
Where, for example:
  • FGLDIR is the variable that sets the Genero Business Development Language (BDL) installation directory.
  • GDCDIR sets the Genero Desktop Client (GDC) installation directory.
  • FGLASDIR sets the Genero Application Server (GAS) installation directory.
  • GSTDIR sets the Genero Studio (GST) product installation directory.
  • GREDIR sets the Genero Report Engine (GRE) installation directory.
  • GRDDIR sets the Genero Report Designer (GRD) installation directory.
  • FLMDIR sets the Four Js License Manager (FLM) installation directory.

Scripts to set environment

Scripts that ensure that PATH, installation directory and other dependent environment variables are set correctly, are run in the installation directory at installation time. The name of the associated script files (.sh for Linux® or .bat for Windows®) follow this recognizable format:

env product identifying code
Where, for example:
  • envcomp is the script that sets the Genero Business Development Language installation environment.
  • envas sets the Genero Application Server installation environment.
  • envgst sets the Genero Studio product installation environment.
  • envgre sets the Genero Report Engine installation environment.
  • envflm sets the Four Js License Manager installation environment.
Note: As the Genero Studio installation also installs the Genero Business Development Language, the Genero Application Server, the Genero Report Engine, and the Genero Desktop Client, the environment is set for all at installation time by the wrapper script envgenero.

Installation directory structure

There is a standard directory structure used across the Four Js product installation.

Where, for example, some directories are product specific, these are standard directories:
  • bin contains the product executables.
  • lib contains library extension files.
  • release contains the copyright details.
  • license contains end user and third-party license information.

Version and help

Command line program tools, such as compilation fglcomp, runtime system tool (fglrun), and other tools, for example, fglgar, gasadmin, etc., follow a standard use of options to provide version information and help with the tool. See Table 1.
Table 1. Version and help options
Option Description
-V or --version Display version information for the tool.
-h or --help Display options for the tool. Short help.