XML facet constraint attributes

The following attributes are facet constraints depending on the XSD data type used on a simple BDL variable to restrict the allowed value-space.

(Notice that some attributes are allowed only on some XSD data types).

Several facet constraints can be set on the same data type, and a mandatory values is expected ( for example, XSDMinLength="8".)

Table 1. Facet constraints between simple BDL and XML data types
Attribute Definition
XSDLength Define the exact number of XML character or bytes.
XSDMinLength Define the minimum number of XML character or bytes.
XSDMaxLength Define the maximum number of XML character or bytes.
XSDEnumeration Define a list of allowed values separated by the character |.
XSDWhiteSpace Perform a XML string manipulation before serialization or deserialization.
XSDPattern Define the regular expression the value has to match.
XSDMinInclusive Define the inclusive minimum value according to the data type where it is set.
XSDMaxInclusive Define the inclusive maximum value according to the data type where it is set.
XSDMinExclusive Define the exclusive minimum value according to the data type where it is set.
XSDMaxExclusive Define the exclusive maximum value according to the data type where it is set.
XSDTotalDigits Define the total number of digits.
XSDFractionDigits Define the number of digits of the fraction part.