Display Statistical Information

You can display statistical license information with the command:

flmprg -a info stat

Tip: If you need to display statistical information on the use of a specific license on a machine, you may also find it useful to run the license controller command, for example, fglWrt -a info stat, from the target host that consumes the license. For more details see the "License Controller Options (fglWrt)" topic in the Genero Licensing User Guide.
Example of display:
License Manager Statistics: 
Runtime : 0
Accepted : 0
Rejected : 0
System Problem : 0
Compilation : 0
Accepted : 0
Rejected : 0
System Problem : 0
Extension : 0
Accepted : 0
Rejected : 0
System Problem : 0
End Runtime : 0
PID request : 0
Information : 1
Bad License : 58
Stop Manager : 0
Deleted licenses : 0
Unknown : 0
Total : 59
Is the number of runtime requests, split into accepted, rejected and system problem categories.
Is the number of compilation requests, split into accepted, rejected and system problem categories.
Is the number of extension requests, split into accepted, rejected and system problem categories.
Is the number of requests which specified that a runtime is finished.
PID request
Is the number of requests for PID checking. This is an internal mechanism to synchronize the real users list and registered users list of the license manager.
Is the number of requests for statistics.
Bad License
Is the number of requests for bad licenses (license not enabled or that does not exist).
Stop Manager
Is the number of request to stop the license manager.
Deleted licenses
Is the number of requests for deleting licenses.
Is the number of requests of unknown type.
Is the number of total requests.