Tutorial Chapter 13: Master/Detail using Multiple Dialogs / The Orders Program orders.4gl |
The module variables are used by the orders.4gl module.
Module variables of orders.4gl
001 SCHEMA custdemo 002 003 TYPE order_t RECORD 004 store_name LIKE customer.store_name, 005 order_num LIKE orders.order_num, 006 order_date LIKE orders.order_date, 007 fac_code LIKE orders.fac_code, 008 ship_instr LIKE orders.ship_instr, 009 promo LIKE orders.promo 010 END RECORD, 011 item_t RECORD 012 stock_num LIKE items.stock_num, 013 description LIKE stock.description, 014 quantity LIKE items.quantity, 015 unit LIKE stock.unit, 016 price LIKE items.price, 017 line_total DECIMAL(9,2) 018 END RECORD 019 020 DEFINE order_rec order_t, 021 arr_ordnums DYNAMIC ARRAY OF INTEGER, 022 orders_index INTEGER, 023 arr_items DYNAMIC ARRAY OF item_t, 024 order_total DECIMAL(9,2) 025 026 CONSTANT title1 = "Orders" 027 CONSTANT title2 = "Items" 028 029 CONSTANT msg01 = "You must query first" 030 CONSTANT msg02 = "Enter search criteria" 031 CONSTANT msg03 = "Canceled by user" 032 CONSTANT msg04 = "No rows found, enter new search criteria" 033 CONSTANT msg05 = "End of list" 034 CONSTANT msg06 = "Beginning of list" 035 CONSTANT msg07 = "Invalid stock number" 036 CONSTANT msg08 = "Row added to the database" 037 CONSTANT msg09 = "Row updated in the database" 038 CONSTANT msg10 = "Row deleted from the database" 039 CONSTANT msg11 = "New order record created" 040 CONSTANT msg12 = "This customer does not exist" 041 CONSTANT msg13 = "Quantity must be greater than zero" 042 CONSTANT msg14 = "%1 orders found in the database" 043 CONSTANT msg15 = "There are no orders selected, exit program?" 044 CONSTANT msg16 = "Item is not available in current factory %1" 045 CONSTANT msg17 = "Order %1 saved in database" 046 CONSTANT msg18 = "Order input program, version 1.01" 047 CONSTANT msg19 = "To save changes, move focus to another row or to the order header" 048 049 CONSTANT move_first = -2 050 CONSTANT move_prev = -1 051 CONSTANT move_next = 1 052 CONSTANT move_last = 2