Tutorial Chapter 11: Master/Detail / The Orders Program orders.4gl |
This function allows the user to enter query criteria for the orders table. It calls the function order_select to retrieve the rows from the database table.
01 FUNCTION order_query() 02 DEFINE where_clause STRING, 03 id INTEGER, name STRING 04 05 MESSAGE msg02 06 07 LET int_flag = FALSE 08 CONSTRUCT BY NAME where_clause ON 09 orders.store_num, 10 customer.store_name, 11 orders.order_num, 12 orders.order_date, 13 orders.fac_code 14 15 ON ACTION zoom1 16 CALL display_custlist() RETURNING id, name 17 IF id > 0 THEN 18 DISPLAY id TO orders.store_num 19 DISPLAY name TO customer.store_name 20 END IF 21 22 END CONSTRUCT 23 24 IF (int_flag) THEN 25 LET int_flag=FALSE 26 CLEAR FORM 27 MESSAGE msg03 28 RETURN FALSE 29 END IF 30 31 RETURN order_select(where_clause) 32 33 END FUNCTION